100 Hundred Charts for the 100th Day

What a crazy week it has been!  Here in Australia we have experienced some of our hottest days, while in America it seems to cold to even function.  I have just got back from some time on the Sunshine Coast with my friend, it was nice to just relax and listen to the waves.

I have finally finished a product that I have been working on for a couple of days.  Introducing 100 Hundred Charts to fill in to Celebrate the 100th Day!  Here in Australia we don't seem to celebrate this milestone as much as our American friends but I am making it my mission this year to go all out.  Our 100th Day is still a while away, I still don't even know the names of the students that I will be teaching this year,  while it's just around the corner for others.  This activity is ideal for differentiation as the number of missing numbers varies. Students will use and develop their knowledge of number to 100 by filling in the missing numbers.


You can check it out at my TpT Store Here
 I would love to hear what you do to celebrate the 100th Day.  Leave a comment below and the first 3 people to comment will get a copy of this activity for FREE! Don't forget your email.


  1. Last year for 100th day i hid 100 Hersey kisses around my room. The kids had to find them, read the number on the bottom and then place that kiss on the 100 chart.

    1. Oh I like your Idea Coley! I haven't seen Hershey kisses here, but I will most certainly use something else!

  2. Love the idea, Alex!

    Since I heard about the 100th day of school a few years ago, I've made it my mission to make a big deal out of it every year (because you're right, we don't really celebrate it much here in Aus). I was so proud last year because my new team leader took it on board and we made a really big deal of it, we had a 100 day cake and lots of activities. It's a lot of fun, there's so much educational value in it, and it's great for the kids to have confirmation that, yeah, they've done a WHOLE lot of learning in a relatively short period of time!

    Thanks so much for sharing your 100th day pack!

    Miss Galvin Learns

    1. A cake, you lucky duck! Sounds like you work at an awesome school. I am teaching Year One this year and we be learning about the number 100 hundred the whole year long. I am so excited to get to day 100 hundred already and I don't go back for another 2 weeks!

  3. Oh, this will be perfect for our 100th day celebration!



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