Welcome, welcome, welcome!!! I am so excited to be up and running in this mysterious land of blogging. Firstly, thanks to Alicia from Dreamlike Magic Designs for my blog template, I absolutely love it! I recently came up with the concept of Creative Teaching Supplies and the dream is to one day own my own supply shop for teachers. To celebrate the new blog I am throwing a 20% off sale in my TPT store for the next 3 days! As an added bonus, when you make a purchase and leave feedback I will give you any item from my store for free!! The second item must be of equal or lesser value. To get the second item for free you must leave feedback on the item you purchase. This offer is only running for the next 3 days 13/07/13 - 16/07/13.
I would love to hear from you, so please leave a comment below. I will be using my blog to post items that I have created, what's going on in the world of education or anything that is too cute not too.
Please sign up to receive my blog updates so you don't miss out on anything. You never know when a freebie could be lurking!!
Welcome and a Sale